Merchandiser of happiness
Happiness is a mindset. It’s a choice of loving, giving and adding more value!

What’s the ultimate goal of life? Making more money, getting mammoth fame or giving more meaning by impacting the lives of many? Surely the answer will vary from person to person. At times, human beings are busy with both easy and difficult tasks. Tasks that make much sense, a little sense or no sense at all. If we are aware, we can take care of our inner desires. However, a sincere disclaimer that I have no intention to judge here as I wish to spread love. Just taking the liberty to share some thoughts with a view to challenging our lives’ fundamental purpose.
“It’s high time we open our hearts to feel the inner power today. Let us let go of our imposter syndrome now. Let us make a conscious decision to become a merchandiser of happiness.”
It’s interesting we are undertaking a journey called life- even though we don’t know how far we will go! The time is known to be limited but unknown about the exact duration. Then what keeps us alive? Is it our own enjoyment, terrestrial accomplishments, love of friends & family, near and dear ones or hope that someday we shall get better, we all matter and crave for others’ validation? The bottom line is we all want to be happy. But what makes people happy? Quick questions: is it money, relationships, religion, recognition or giving? Certainly, the answer will differ from individual to individual again. The underlying meaning of a so-called successful and meaningful life lies at the core of happiness. While happiness is a mindset and mostly it comes from making a choice of giving. By giving away love, smile, passion, good deeds, gratitude, sympathy, money, lessons, spirit, and legacy etc.
Furthermore, we live in an era of exponential technology. Things are changing so fast. What was new yesterday seems to be old or outdated today! Additionally, experts suggest that an Artificial Intelligence (AI) capture is a practical situation in which a computer’s AI becomes the leading form of acumen in the world, as computer programs or robots eventually take control of the world away from the human kind. Likely circumstances contain replacement of the whole human labor force, seizure by powerful intelligent AI, and the widespread idea of a robot revolution.

Nonetheless, the happiness parameter for human beings remains more or less the same from the dawn of civilization. It’s giving, loving, it’s adding more value, it’s making more sense by serving others. By the way, does happiness then become a matter of choice? Can making this choice may enable us to make other people’s lives better by solving individual, social and business problems while making this world a decent place? If so, then all the people of the planet earth have an important stake and capability to become happy and make their respective mark. It’s high time we open our hearts to feel the inner power today. Let us let go of our imposter syndrome now. Let us make a conscious decision to become a merchandiser of happiness!