Some previous engagements
Team Building Retreat (19 December 2022)
Abunx facilitated a team building retreat in an interactive manner for the core communications team of Bangladesh Country Office.
Clients: 55 Electronics and print media journalists from the chittagong hill tracts in bangladesh
The Right to Information (RTI) ACT 2009 Training
Abunx elegantly facilitated the Right to Information (RTI) Act 2009 to a group of Chittagong Hill Tracts’ 55 journalists. The 2 day interactive training (12-13 September 2022) was inaugurated by the Rangamati District Commissioner (DC) & organized by Ashika Development Associates. The RTI is enacted for ensuring free flow of information and people’s right to information!
Clients: Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) III consortium (consisting of CARE, EKOTA Alliance, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children and World Vision)
Facilitation of Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) III Lessons Learned & Strategy Workshop
We efficiently delivered the Learning, Reflection and Strategy Development Workshop. (June 2022). The Consortium has a joint responsibility to address the humanitarian and medium-term recovery needs in one of the largest refugee camps in the world today, Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. Out of 50, representatives from ten more Local partners also joined the workshop including BGS, CBM, CDD, DSK, FIVDB, Green Voice, Mukti Cox’s Bazar, NGO Forum For Public Health, PHD, and YPSA.
Partners: save the children, start network & its 27 member agencies
Training and Mentoring on Safeguarding and PSEAH
Training and Mentoring on Safeguarding and Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) for 27 Start Fund Bangladesh member agencies (all CSOs) Hosted by Save the Children International in Bangladesh (February-May 2022)
Key deliverables include (i). Prepare detail outlines, methodology, work plan and inception report. (ii). Conduct Risk Assessments on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) for 27 Member Agencies (iii). Prepare a training pack of safeguarding including training manual and facilitate training. (v). Build a monitoring system and visits at least 40% partner NGOs (vi). Make sure 27 updated policies on safeguarding from member organizations.
Co-facilitation of team building retreats
Co-facilitation of team building workshop for the Environment Team, USAID. (May 2022)
Also co-facilitation of leadership and team building workshop for WARTSILA. (April 2022)
Client: UNHCR
Impact assessment of livelihoods project
Impact Assessment of UNHCR Funded livelihoods focused project “Improving Peaceful Coexistence and Self-reliance Opportunities for Refugees & Host Community” implemented by Mukti Cox’s Bazar, December 2021
client: CORDAID
Strategic Planning
Facilitated Lessons Learned & Strategic Planning Workshop on Rohingya Response (in quest of alternative livelihoods) for ACT Alliance (8 CSOs) organized by CORDAID (October 2021)
Client: BRAC
Interpersonal Leadership Skills Development Workshops in January & February 2022
Facilitated two batches of interactive leadership workshops for 45 BRAC District Coordinators (BDCs) and Divisional Managers (DMs)
Client: Multinational companies, local conglomerates & international development organizations
Lead to Thrive in Uncertain Times (Sep 22)
We are humbled to facilitate the first batch of the “Lead to Thrive in Uncertain Times” training at BAGHA Club for professionals from multinational companies, local conglomerates, and international development organizations. We poured our hearts out and also learned as much as we could from the experience of the distinguished participants!
Client: USDS International
Business Plan
Business Plan developed for the National Barcodes Organization of Bangladesh on behalf of USDS International and submitted to GS1, Belgium Office (September 2021)
client: AFE
Evaluation of USAID funded project
Evaluation of the USAID funded Rice & Diversified Crops (RDC) project’s influential farmers and general farmer engagement method from the perspective of agricultural input companies conducted in cooperation with Action for Enterprise (AFE)- (July -September 2021)
Client: mukti cox's bazar
Review and update of all organizational policies
Review and update the Finance, HR, Procurement, Partnership, Safeguarding etc. policies of Mukti Cox’s Bazar (Jan-May 2022)