Wealth concentrated to a few people is indeed a global crisis not to be taken lightly. It can be the other way around if the wealthy and billionaires become aware of it and do the needful in combatting the inequality! - By Shohag Mostafij
We are living in an extraordinary time where exponential technology is shaping our lives worldwide. However, it is concerning that wealth is becoming increasingly concentrated among a few wealthy individuals or billionaires globally. Our planet is facing various crises, including war, political strife, refugee crises, energy shortages, climate change, and extreme poverty. Amidst these challenges, we must not overlook the crisis of unequal wealth distribution. The rich are growing richer while the poor continue to struggle. It is high time to reconstruct this unfair system that only benefits a privileged few while leaving the majority with empty pockets. The wealthy should actively seek ways to empower the poor, destitute, and vulnerable communities by providing access to resources and fulfilling their social responsibilities through actions like paying necessary taxes and zakat funds, as encouraged by Islam, and embracing other practical benevolent initiatives. Additionally, it is crucial for the wealthy to understand and support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and actively contribute alongside governments and the private sector worldwide. Abunx encourages wealthy individuals to lead by example, embrace the principle of “leaving no one behind,” and actively combat the virus of inequality moving forward.